Posts by Louise

Understanding and Addressing Leaking Showers

Posted on Jul 9, 2024 in Blog, Uncategorized

Leaking showers are more than a mere nuisance; they’re a common household problem that, if left unaddressed, can lead to significant structural damage and unhealthy mould growth. The trickles and drips you notice today can quickly escalate, causing water damage to your home’s foundational elements and creating an environment where mould thrives. Recognising the early signs and understanding the potential causes of shower leaks are crucial steps in maintaining your home’s integrity and your families health. Common Signs of a Leaking Shower The first step in tackling a leaking shower is to identify the problem. Some tell-tale signs include water stains on the ceiling of rooms located directly below bathrooms, loose tiles or crumbling grout in the shower area, musty odours signaling the presence of mould or mildew, and persistent dampness around the shower not related to its use. Ignoring these signs can lead to more severe issues down the line, making early detection and rectification vital. Likely Reasons Why Your Shower Is Leaking Damaged Grout Grout, though sturdy, is not impermeable to the ravages of time and water. Continuous exposure to moisture can cause grout to crack or erode, creating pathways for water to seep through. Regular inspection and maintenance of shower grout are essential preventative measures to avoid leaks. Missing or Damaged Silicone Sealant Silicone sealant acts as a waterproof barrier around shower edges and fixtures. Over time, this sealant can shrink or develop gaps, compromising its ability to keep water contained. Checking the condition of silicone sealants and addressing any deterioration promptly is crucial. Faulty Shower Door Seals or Tracks Shower doors rely on seals and tracks to keep water contained. When these components wear out or get damaged, water can escape the shower area. Regular inspections can help catch these issues early, preventing water damage. Cracks in the Shower Tray or Bathtub Even minor cracks in shower trays or bathtubs can be a source of significant water leakage. Such issues often require a professional assessment to determine the best course of repair. Damaged or Broken Tiles Tiles serve as a critical barrier against water penetration. When tiles are damaged or broken, this barrier is compromised, leading to leaks. Prompt repair or replacement of affected tiles is necessary to maintain the integrity of your shower. Clogged Drainage Pipes Water backing up due to clogs in drainage pipes can cause leaks, especially if the standing water finds weak points through which to seep. Regular cleaning and maintenance of drainage pipes can help prevent this problem. Loose Plumbing Fixtures Leaks can also originate from wear and tear or improper installation of plumbing fixtures, such as shower heads or taps. Periodic checks and tightening of these fixtures could prevent water leakage. Diagnosing the Source of the Leak Identifying the exact source of a leak can be challenging. Homeowners can start by visually inspecting the shower area for any of the issues mentioned above. However, if the source remains elusive, it’s wise to enlist the help of a professional tiler, plumber, or bathroom specialist who can diagnose and address the problem more effectively. Preventative Measures and Regular Maintenance Preventing leaks often comes down to regular maintenance tasks such as resealing grout and silicone, removing and replacing damaged grout, tightening fixtures, and replacing damaged components promptly. Adopting a proactive approach to shower maintenance can save homeowners time and money in the long run. Leaking showers are a common issue that homeowners can often resolve with the right approach and timely action. By being vigilant for signs of leaks, understanding the potential causes, and undertaking regular maintenance, you can protect your home...

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Maximise Your Property’s Market Value: Three Expert Strategies

Posted on May 2, 2024 in Blog

In a real estate market that’s more competitive than ever, homeowners are constantly seeking ways to enhance the value of their properties. Whether the goal is to prepare for a sale or to invest in the future of a home, certain areas of improvement can significantly impact a property’s market value. Among these, three strategies stand out for their effectiveness: Full Shower Restoration, Bathroom Makeover, and Kitchen Makeover. With potential returns of $4 for every $1 spent on refurbishing your Bathroom (LJ Hooker, 2022) and the return on investment for a kitchen renovation of approximately double the amount invested into renovating (Savings, 2o22) completing these upgrades are a great way to add equity to your home. GroutPro, your local tile and grout restoration specialist, offers comprehensive services in these areas, ensuring that your home not only looks its best but also reaches its highest potential value. Full Shower Restoration At the heart of a successful bathroom renovation is the shower. A full shower restoration breathes new life into your bathroom, transforming it from merely functional to a showcase of modern living. The benefits of a full shower restoration extend beyond aesthetics; it can significantly increase your home’s appeal to potential buyers. A well-maintained, contemporary bathroom suggests a cared-for home, making a strong impression on the market. Moreover, the use of quality materials and professional craftsmanship in the restoration process improves the longevity and sustainability of bathroom fixtures, contributing to the overall value of your property. GroutPro specialists begin with a thorough assessment of your shower’s current state, identifying the most effective approach to restoration. The selection of materials and colours is a crucial step, allowing homeowners to customise their space to reflect their personal style or that of their potential buyers while ensuring durability and ease of maintenance. A GroutPro Shower Restoration will make your shower look fresh and new without spending thousands of dollars on renovating it. Bathroom Makeover A bathroom makeover is a transformative process that not only enhances the appearance of your space but also its functionality. The impact of a bathroom makeover on your property’s market value cannot be overstated. By optimising the grout and silicone colours a spacious feel can be achieved, incorporating modern, easy to clean, longer-lasting products, and selecting durable materials with a luxurious finish the bathroom can be transformed to feel not only new but also uniquely tailored to the modern buyer’s preferences. Such improvements make your property more attractive on the market, potentially increasing its selling price significantly. GroutPro excels in delivering a comprehensive suite of services designed to rejuvenate your bathroom. From re-grouting stained grout and replacing damaged tiles to fixing leaks and conducting deep hygiene cleans, each service is aimed at addressing common bathroom issues that can detract from your home’s value. Furthermore, the application of mould treatment ensures a healthy, clean environment, free from the damaging and unsightly effects of mould growth. A Bathroom Makeover will make an out-dated and worn bathroom look brand new again for a fraction of the cost of renovating, saving you thousands in upgrade costs but potentially increasing your homes equity by up to $4 per every $1 spent renewing your bathroom (LJ Hooker, 2022). Kitchen Makeover The kitchen, often referred to as the heart of the home, plays a pivotal role in determining a property’s market value. A kitchen makeover adds value by creating a space that is not only visually appealing but also functional and up-to-date with the feel of newness and quality. This appeal is crucial for homeowners looking to increase their property’s market value, as a modern and...

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Why does my Bathroom look Dirty Even After I Clean it!

Posted on Apr 5, 2024 in Blog

Have you ever spent hours deep cleaning your bathroom only to step back and notice it still looks somewhat dingy or dirty? It’s a common frustration that many homeowners face. But why does this happen even after a thorough clean? In this blog, we’ll explore the reasons behind this perplexing issue and offer solutions you can do yourself to ensure your bathroom maintains its sparkle. The Culprits Behind the Scenes Hard Water Stains One of the primary reasons your bathroom might not look its cleanest is due to hard water stains. Hard water contains high levels of minerals like calcium and magnesium, which can leave behind a residue that looks like soap scum or spots on faucets, tiles, and shower doors. Solution: Installing a water softener system can significantly reduce mineral buildup. For immediate results, consider using a specially formulated cleaners like GroutPro Glass Restore to tackle hard water stains without damaging your shower glass. Keep in mind that glass is porous and the wrong chemicals or cleaners can etch the glass, if you’re unsure about restoring your shower glass yourself contact your local GroutPro specialist who can help you. Inadequate Lighting Sometimes, the problem isn’t with the cleanliness of the bathroom but with how it’s lit. Poor or inadequate lighting can cast shadows or create an illusion of grime. Solution: Maximize natural light where possible and consider upgrading to brighter, more energy-efficient lighting fixtures. LED lights can provide a cleaner, more natural light, making your bathroom appear fresher and could even save you money on your energy bill. Mould and Mildew Bathrooms and any other wet areas of the house are prone to mould and mildew due to the high humidity levels. These fungi can grow on grout, tiles, and silicone, giving your bathroom a dirty appearance even after cleaning. Solution: Ensure proper ventilation in your bathroom to reduce humidity levels. Regularly clean areas prone to mould with an effective Mould killer like GroutPro’s Mould Control or Mould-Pro Plus. If your Mould issues persist it may be time to replace the infected grout and silicone to try and remove the Mould spores to attempt to avoid future Mould growth. Residual Cleaning Products Ironically, the very products you use to clean your bathroom can sometimes leave behind a film or residue, especially if not rinsed away properly. Solution: Always follow the instructions on your cleaning products and ensure you rinse surfaces thoroughly. Consider switching to natural cleaners that leave less residue, however keep in mind they may be less effective. Stained Grout Grout can easily become stained with mould, mildew, or just general grime, making it a significant contributor to the appearance of a dirty bathroom even after cleaning. Grout is very time consuming and sometimes impossible to clean without the right tools and chemicals, you could spend hours scrubbing the grout with a toothbrush just to have it get stained the next day because there is no sealer on it. Solution: Use a grout cleaner or a mixture of baking soda and vinegar to scrub the grout lines, please be aware this will take a lot of elbow grease and hours. Sealing your grout can also prevent future staining and is something we strongly recommend. If there is grout missing, the stains in your grout are not budging no matter how much you scrub or you would like a professional to do the job right the first time and save you hours on your hands and knees – GroutPro have tile and grout restoration specialists Australia wide and ready to help. Stained and Damaged Silicone Silicone sealants around...

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5 Ways to Beautifully Transform Your Bathroom to Easily Look New Again

Posted on Jan 25, 2024 in Blog

Every homeowner knows that the bathroom is more than just a functional space. It’s a sanctuary, a place of relaxation, and with the right touches, it can be a direct reflection of your personal style. Here are 5 ways you can transform your bathroom into a space that not only meets your needs but also enhances your home’s overall appeal. 1. Declutter Your Bathroom First and foremost, remove clutter from your bathroom. The area around the sink should be clear of items to prevent mould growth in places that can’t dry completely. Consider upgrading your blinds to frosted windows or louvers for easy cleaning and a sleek look. A clean and organized bathroom instantly feels more spacious and inviting. 2. Restore Your Shower Screen Soap scum and water spots can make your shower glass look dull and unattractive. Attempting to restore your shower glass yourself could end in a damaged shower screen as glass is porous and can be etched by the wrong chemicals or tools. So, ensure you read the label of the products carefully or better yet, call in the professionals for a sparkling, restored shower screen. 3. Replace Discoloured Silicone Discoloured and stained silicone around your sink, bathtub, and shower can make your bathroom look dated. Replacing the silicone and matching the colour to your current tiles can breathe an air of freshness and revival into the space, making a remarkable difference in its overall look. Ensuring your silicone isn’t damaged will also help avoid water leaks and mould growth in and around your tiles, grout and shower. 4. Upgrade Your Towels Your bathroom is a private sanctuary, so why not add a personal touch? Buy a new set of towels that match the colour and aesthetic of your bathroom. While towels are a practical tool, consider them as a decorative piece on display on your towel racks to enhance the look and feel of your bathroom. 5. Re-Grout Your Bathroom Re-grouting your shower or bathroom can give it the biggest transformation. If your grout is missing, stained, or has never looked good, re-grouting can fix your problems. Remember, this isn’t a DIY job. It’s easy to cause major damage that will cost you a lot to fix. Your local GroutPro specialist can communicate your vision, colour match the grout with your tiles, clean the area thoroughly, and carefully remove and install new grout. If you feel your shower needs a bit more attention, we can replace the shower drain, remove and replace all your silicone, and even replace broken tiles if necessary. Got a leaking shower? Your local specialist can fix it and ensure your bathroom looks better than new! Transforming your bathroom doesn’t have to be a daunting task. With these 5 steps, you can create a space that you will love and enjoy for years to come. With our GroutPro team backing your vision, we can work together to make your bathroom look and feel brand new...

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Say Goodbye to Leaks and Mould: GroutPro’s Silicone Replacement Service

Posted on Oct 31, 2023 in Blog

Your bathroom and kitchen are the hubs of daily life. They should be places of tranquility and functionality, but over time, the silicone sealant that holds your tiles and fixtures together can degrade, leading to issues like leaks and mould. Fortunately, GroutPro’s Silicone Replacement Service can be your saviour. The Silicone Struggle Silicone sealant, though unassuming, plays a crucial role in keeping water at bay. It seals gaps and joints around sinks, bathtubs, showers, and countertops, ensuring water doesn’t infiltrate your walls and floors. However, the silicone in your bathroom or kitchen is not invincible. Over time, it can become discoloured, damaged, or even start to peel away. This not only diminishes the aesthetic appeal of your space but also creates an environment for mould to flourish. Leaky Consequences A leaking shower or sink can seem like a minor inconvenience, but the repercussions can be significant. Water can seep into hidden cavities, leading to structural damage and costly repairs down the line. Moreover, mould and mildew thrive in damp environments, impacting indoor air quality and potentially causing health issues. The GroutPro Solution GroutPro’s Silicone Replacement Service is designed to address these concerns head-on. Our specialists are highly skilled in removing the old, compromised silicone, thoroughly hygiene cleaning the area and replacing it with a fresh, high-quality sealant. Here’s why it’s a game-changer: 1. Leak Prevention: By replacing old, damaged silicone, water can stay where it belongs – in your sinks, showers, and bathtubs. 2. Mould Mitigation: Fresh silicone prevents water intrusion, reducing the risk of mould growth and keeping your space hygienic. 3. Aesthetic Improvement: Crisp, clean silicone lines improve the overall look of your bathroom and kitchen, creating a polished and inviting ambiance. 4. Longevity: Our silicone replacement service uses high-quality sealant, ensuring the new silicone lasts. 5. Peace of Mind: With GroutPro’s experts on the job, you can trust that the work will be done right the first time. Don’t Let Silicone Woes Linger If you’ve been putting off addressing the deteriorating silicone in your bathroom or kitchen, now is the time to act. GroutPro’s Silicone Replacement Service can provide a cost-effective solution, preventing further damage and mould-related issues while revitalising your space’s appearance. Say hello to a pristine bathroom and kitchen today. Contact GroutPro for a Free Consultation, and let us bring a fresh and vibrant look to your...

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Grout Repair vs Grout Replacement

Posted on Aug 17, 2023 in Blog

Making the Right Choice for Your Tiles Tiles are the cornerstone of a beautiful home, bringing charm and functionality to spaces. But over time, the grout that holds them together can start showing signs of wear and tear. The question is: do you repair the grout, or is it time for a complete replacement? Let’s delve into the world of grout repair vs. replacement and help you make an informed decision. Understanding the Grout Trouble Signs Grout serves as more than just a filler between tiles; it ensures stability, prevents water damage, and enhances the aesthetics of your space. Before deciding whether to repair or replace, let’s decipher the signs that something might be amiss: Grout Repair Indicators Minor Cracks: Hairline cracks on the grout surface can often be repaired. Discoloration: Stains and discolouration might be addressed through professional cleaning and ColourSealing. Localised Damage: If only specific areas show wear, repairing those portions might be sufficient. Grout Replacement Situations Severe Damage: Extensive cracks, crumbling, and missing sections signal the need for replacement. Mould and Mildew: Deep-seated mould or mildew growth that resists cleaning indicates a replacement is necessary. Loose or Missing Tiles: If tiles are loose due to grout or glue deterioration, replacement of grout is essential to maintain structural integrity, this may include the replacement of some tiles as well. Can You DIY? While small-scale grout repairs can be DIY projects, extensive issues are best left to professionals. DIY repairs might mask underlying problems, causing more harm and expense in the long run. Professional assessment ensures the right solution is implemented saving you time, money and stress. How GroutPro Can Help GroutPro specialises in transforming tiles and grout to their former glory. Whether it’s a repair or replacement, our experts analyse the situation and tailor a solution: Some services we may recommend: Re-grouting: This can include the Removal of Old Grout, Hygienic Clean of Grout lines, Mould Treatment if Necessary, Grout Colour of Your Choice, New Grout Installation, and Grout and Tile Sealing. Epoxy Re-Grouting Which can include removal of the old, damaged, crumbling grout, a Hygiene Deep clean of grout lines to ensure no left over debris or bacteria, Mould treatment of the grout lines if necessary, and your choice of Epoxy Grout colour in the installation of new grout. Epoxy is one of our most popular products as it is a resin based grout making it incredibly easy to clean and is also completely stain-proof. Silicone Seal Replacement: This GroutPro service can include the Removal of Silicone, a Complete Hygiene Clean of the area, Mould Treatment if Necessary, Silicone Colour of Your Choice, and Application of brand new Silicone. ColourSeal Application ColourSeal can not-only seal your grout, but it can also conceal minor imperfections in your grout including small hairline fractures and pitting. ColourSeal is available in over 80 different colours which you can choose from. We will apply this coloured sealant to your grout lines to protect from future stains and aid in fixing minor grout damage. Making the Right Choice Choosing between grout repair and replacement depends on the extent of damage and the expertise required. While DIY repairs can work for minor issues, significant damage demands professional attention to ensure long-lasting results. At GroutPro, we’re committed to elevating your tile experience. Let our specialists assess your situation and recommend the best course of action. Whether it’s a repair or a replacement, count on GroutPro to transform your space and bring back its brilliance. Remember, every tile deserves the best care. Reach out to GroutPro for a professional evaluation and a tailored solution that...

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Why is Damaged Grout Bad?

Posted on Jul 26, 2023 in Blog

Grout is the cement-like material that fills the gaps between tiles, and it is an essential component of any tiled surface. Sand-based grout is the most used grout in homes, this type of grout however is very porous and becomes stained easily. Over time, this type of grout can also become damaged or missing, which can lead to a variety of problems for homeowners. Grout can become damaged or missing due to a variety of reasons, such as age, wear and tear, and exposure to moisture. Improper installation, cleaning, or maintenance can also contribute to grout problems. It’s essential to address any grout issues as soon as possible to prevent further damage and ensure the longevity of your tiled surfaces. Addressing your damaged or missing grout isn’t usually on the top of people’s lists, however the longer you leave it, the worse it may get. Gaps in your grout can allow moisture to seep through to the subfloor, which can cause water damage and mould growth. Damaged or missing grout can make tiles unstable and may lead to cracking and shifting. Other than the unpleasant sight, unstable tiles can be dangerous, especially in high-traffic areas. If you need a bit more than just patching up some damaged grout, you may decide to re-grout your home. In this case we recommend installing epoxy grout. Epoxy grout is a popular choice especially amongst our customers because of its durability, stain-resistance, and how easy it is to clean. It’s also waterproof, which makes it an excellent choice for areas exposed to moisture such as showers, bathrooms and laundries. GroutPro is a professional grout restoration company that can help you with all your grout-related needs. We specialise in re-grouting by removing damaged grout and installing new grout. We work closely with our customers to choose the perfect grout colour for your home, ensuring a seamless and beautiful finish. Contact GroutPro today to schedule a consultation and give your tiled surfaces a new lease on...

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The Importance of a Hygiene Deep Clean

Posted on Jun 22, 2023 in Blog

Did you know that your shower floor holds 60x more bacteria than your toilet seat? Maintaining a clean and hygienic environment is vital for any household, especially when it comes to high traffic areas like showers, toilets and bathrooms. With nearly 16 million Colony-Forming Units (CFU) on our shower floor alone our bathrooms are loaded with bacteria. These areas are where we go for personal hygiene, but ironically are more prone to accumulating bacteria, germs, and mould due to their high traffic, exposure to moisture & other organic matter especially when grooming ourselves. These findings tell us that regular cleaning and even an annual hygiene deep clean are essential to preventing buildup of nasty microbes to ensure a healthy living environment for your family. When to Get a Hygiene Deep Clean A survey found that the bathroom gets cleaned 3 to 4 times a month on average. To limit the growth of germs and bacteria we suggest getting into a habit of cleaning your bathroom more frequently. We also recommend a hygiene deep clean every 12-18 months, depending on the usage and traffic in the area. However, a hygiene deep clean is also a good idea after any renovations or repairs that involve tiling work or before and after any major events or gatherings at home to ensure a hygienic environment for your guests and family. GroutPro’s Hygiene Deep Clean GroutPro offers professional hygiene deep cleaning for all tiled areas in your home. GroutPro uses hospital-grade disinfectants that are safe for your family, and a mechanical scrubbing machine to thoroughly remove bacteria from the tiled areas. GroutPro’s hygiene deep clean service not only eliminates 99% of harmful bacteria and germs but also helps to prolong the life of your tiles and grout.   References: Germs in your Bathroom

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5 Common Mould Removal Myths & Mistakes

Posted on Apr 4, 2023 in Blog

The 5 Most Common Mould Removal Myths & Mistakes   1. Using the incorrect products and not killing the spores A common myth is that bleach will kill mould, this is unfortunately incorrect. Bleach only removes the colour from the mould but does not kill the spores. Bleach and chlorine-based cleaners also cause damage by eating away at the grout and etching the tiles turning beautiful natural stone or unglazed tiles cloudy permanently. The grout will eventually become brittle & unstable and will start to crumble away. Using bleach often can also make air quality worse and potentially cause respiratory irritation, blurred vision, watery eyes and nausea, among others. it is especially dangerous to mix bleach with other chemicals. 2. Taking too long to address the mould growth Most people think mould takes weeks to grow and spread, 24 to 48 hours is all mould and mildew actually need to develop after water exposure. Growth will continue until the source of moisture is eliminated and the spores are destroyed. Even a small water spill on a bathroom shelf can turn into a mouldy mess if left unattended. The moment mould is spotted, it’s time to take action. 3. Painting or applying silicone over mould Although you may see “mould-resistant” paint and silicone at your local hardware store, applying it over mould-affected surfaces will not kill the mould, it can actually cause more issues in the long run. Keep in mind that these mould-resistant paints and silicones don’t guarantee mould won’t grow on surfaces, as long as the mould has been treated before application and it has been applied properly, they can help prevent re-growth temporarily. 4. Not looking for the cause of the mould The leading cause of mould is moisture. If a room is humid, not ventilated properly or has a leak, mould will grow back even if the spores have been killed. Here are some tips to help prevent mould growth in the first place: Keep humidity levels below 50%. Adding a dehumidifier can help. If there is a leak, it’s imperative to repair it as soon as possible. Vent bathrooms and clothes dryers to the outside. Seal bathroom grouts to help waterproof your walls and floors. Use an exhaust fan or open the doors and/or windows to let moisture escape during and after showering. Leave the shower curtain or door open to help the room dry after a shower. 5. Allowing yourself to be exposed to mould It can take anywhere from 1 to 9 hours after mould exposure to start developing symptoms such as a stuffy nose, wheezing, and red or itchy eyes and skin. Those with allergies, asthma, compromised immune systems or respiratory issues should be extra careful when it comes to mould as mould exposure symptoms can cause serious problems. When cleaning mould, you must remember that mould spores can travel in the air, to limit your exposure, PPE such as long rubber gloves, eye protection and a mask is recommended. Getting help for your mould issues may be the safest and most effective option, call your local GroutPro specialist...

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Huge Job For Melbourne Airport

Posted on Oct 30, 2018 in Blog

Huge Job For Melbourne Airport

When Melbourne Airport had problems with the floors in one of their commercial kitchens they turned to GroutPro. With the entire floor of a large commercial kitchen to be restored in one of the busiest buildings in the country, a very tight time-frame was given to complete the work so that the restaurant could get back to business. GroutPro Werribee joined forces with two other GroutPro specialists to attack the problem at full speed over a marathon 30 hours without a break. Old damaged grout was removed from the entire floor and new epoxy grout was installed to ensure compliance with hygiene regulations were met, and to make the surfaces much easier to clean. The entire floor area was restored to look as good as new again, but having installed epoxy grout, it was also stain free and impervious to penetration and build up of bacteria. Melbourne Airport understands the importance of re-grouting with epoxy grout in their commercial kitchens and bathrooms as it reduces the need for time and resources spent on cleaning their tiles and grout and it is the most durable of all grout types available reducing the need for harsh and intensive cleaning processes and chemicals. In places such as a kitchens or bathrooms, stains are hard to avoid without epoxy grout. Normal sand-based grout is very porous, it soaks up all types of substances which create stains that are hard or even impossible to remove without re-grouting. With no rest for 30 hours, our GroutPro specialists delivered a permanent, durable, non-porous, stain-proof solution, on time and on budget. Having kept within the time constraints and delivering a top quality job, they exceeded expectations of the Melbourne Airport… another happy GroutPro...

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Epoxy Grouting in Commercial Buildings

Posted on Jun 22, 2018 in Blog

Epoxy Grouting in Commercial Buildings

A scheduling crunch on the construction of a new Porsche automotive showroom and servicing facility in Melbourne was one case where GroutPro’s considerable resources came to the rescue on an epoxy grout job. Here’s what happened: A tiling company originally hired to lay tiles and install grout were struggling with their work load and lack of expertise with installing epoxy grout. Typically, tilers have a loathing for installing epoxy grout as it is more difficult and time consuming than cement-based grout, especially on this type of small textured tiles so to ensure the construction schedule was not disrupted, GroutPro was called in to install the 1180sqm of epoxy grout. Epoxy grout is a very hard and durable material that offers vastly superior stain and wear resistance, and provides excellent waterproofing properties compared to conventional cement-based grout which is notorious for staining. On inspection of the workshop and showroom floors it was soon clear that a team of GroutPro specialists would be needed to meet the project timeline. Three additional GroutPro experts arrived on the job and sixteen days of intensive grouting and finishing saw the completion of an extraordinary job. These four grout experts were installing 70-90 sqm of epoxy grout per day and it was calculated that 160 epoxy kits were used by the end of the sixteen days. Epoxy is GroutPro’s favourite product to offer as we know how durable and beneficial it is in all buildings, especially in high traffic areas such as commercial and residential bathrooms and kitchens. We don’t just service large commercial properties, but residential homes as well. If you’d like to find out about epoxy grout or any of our other services, then give us a call on 1800 822 459 or enter your details in our quick quote form on our website for a free quote from one of your local GroutPro specialists.      ...

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